Saturday, August 9, 2014

Who You Hang Around Is Who Youll Become

Have you ever been in a sticky situation? One so sticky you can hardly move? Believe me I know, I’ve been there. My life’s been crazy up and down left and right and just recently I’ve finally really got a grip. I’ve got a grip on not only my life, but a golf club and a fresh new bible. I realized it was the people around me I was hanging out with.


Think you got a good group of friends? A nice clique? Ask yourself these questions:

1.         Are any of these people involved in drugs?

2.   Do they make good grades?

3.     How is their home situation?

4.    Do they have a good personality, nice and respectful?


Believe me, If their into drugs, their grades are in the toilet, they’re not being treated right at home or they don’t have one, or they are mean, cruel, and a liar then honestly you probably don’t want to be around those kinds of people. Most likely if you hang around those kinds of people then you’ll become one yourself.


Honestly, you may think that stuff is cool. Trust me; you’re not going to think its cool when you’re fighting to get a job at McDonalds to pay for food and the drugs you “need” to buy. I haven’t ever been in that situation but I’ve seen people in that place.


If you’re in a place like that right now, you’re not alone. Just leave a comment below if you’d like to have a more private conversation about what you’re going through, and I’ll leave my email  below on the next post.


I also just wanted to thank you all for your comments and helping BR reach 8,000 views. I will also be sure to check out all your blogs!



                   Blog Rebels




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