Tuesday, August 12, 2014

When You’re Going through Hell Don’t Show It

When You’re Going through Hell Don’t Show It

Basically what I’m writing about today is a really important subject. It means whenever something bad happens in your life pick your feet up and keep going. Don’t go moping around trying to make people feel sorry for you because it puts you down. Learn from it get something out of it.

Have you ever had one of those days where your just like “Why am I on earth.” I’ve had many of those trust me. Maybe temptation got to you that day. Maybe you’re struggling to pay house bills. I have a few tips for you on what do and how to handle these situations:

1.   I know some of my readers don’t believe in god. I do and I really recommend praying. God has always helped me through tough situations. Just ask god for help and I promise he will hear your prayer.

2.  Another thing I recommend is taking a hot bath then put on a hot robe make brownies and rent your favorite movie. Trust me making yourself feel good means everything.

3.  The last thing I recommend is to call over friends for support. Another helping hand or a shoulder to cry on relieves stress.

I just want you all to know things do get better. Look at Phil Robertson from duck dynasty. I’ll have a link to their life changing stories below.



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