Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Am I Wrong

Am I Wrong?

Am I wrong for wanting to resist temptation? Am I wrong for wanting to get away from you? Am I wrong for wanting to get you out of my life? You hurt me. YOU destroyed me. You took the best of me. You wadded me up like paper and threw me in the trash. You took a knife and stabbed me in the heart. You used me.

These are all the questions I’m asking myself. I’m searching for answers. You may be wondering what this post is about its simply about me and my foolish mistakes and getting involved with a guy I shouldn’t have and now I’m stuck with it I’ve talked about him in previous posts. I’m writing today so what happened to me doesn’t happen to you

Every time am I wrong by nico and vinz comes on I freeze. I think about everything he did and how he wrecked my life it’s like he took a bowling ball and knocked me down pin by in (my brother’s friend) here is what happened:

He always told me I was pretty. He just did that so he could touch my butt. I let temptation get to me. He showed me a girls profile picture on twitter of them pulling up their dresses in thongs so I would think its okay if I showed him mine.



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