Monday, August 11, 2014

How to handle people being mean

How to handle people being mean

Honestly I take this subject very seriously. I am a very godly person and I’ve always told myself they just have a little devil inside them. Since I’m a Christian I believe that you should love everyone and forgive but it’s not that easy.

My tip #1 is to say “look I’m not going to put up with this and I’m going to be the mature one and ask you to end this now please.” And if they say you’re pathetic, hey they are the pathetic and immature ones who obviously have something going on in their lives.

My tip #2 is to walk away. If they say you’re weak or scared you have to remember that they are the weak and insecure ones. They feel so week and insecure about themselves inside they feel they have to take it out on other people. If anything I would be nice to them and feel sorry for them because they’ve probably been through rough times or had a rough life.

My tip #3 is to tell someone. If they threaten you that’s even more of a reason to tell. Maybe they can get help and get better. You’ll probably be helping other kids that are being victimized by that person too. Especially if you’re a bystander. A bystander is someone who witness bullying or people being just downright mean.

I really hope these things help you in future situations or stuff that’s going on now. Remember if you want to talk you can always contact me. All you have to do is comment below and ask and in the next post I can give out my email J!



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