Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Am I Wrong

Am I Wrong?

Am I wrong for wanting to resist temptation? Am I wrong for wanting to get away from you? Am I wrong for wanting to get you out of my life? You hurt me. YOU destroyed me. You took the best of me. You wadded me up like paper and threw me in the trash. You took a knife and stabbed me in the heart. You used me.

These are all the questions I’m asking myself. I’m searching for answers. You may be wondering what this post is about its simply about me and my foolish mistakes and getting involved with a guy I shouldn’t have and now I’m stuck with it I’ve talked about him in previous posts. I’m writing today so what happened to me doesn’t happen to you

Every time am I wrong by nico and vinz comes on I freeze. I think about everything he did and how he wrecked my life it’s like he took a bowling ball and knocked me down pin by in (my brother’s friend) here is what happened:

He always told me I was pretty. He just did that so he could touch my butt. I let temptation get to me. He showed me a girls profile picture on twitter of them pulling up their dresses in thongs so I would think its okay if I showed him mine.



Tuesday, August 12, 2014

When You’re Going through Hell Don’t Show It

When You’re Going through Hell Don’t Show It

Basically what I’m writing about today is a really important subject. It means whenever something bad happens in your life pick your feet up and keep going. Don’t go moping around trying to make people feel sorry for you because it puts you down. Learn from it get something out of it.

Have you ever had one of those days where your just like “Why am I on earth.” I’ve had many of those trust me. Maybe temptation got to you that day. Maybe you’re struggling to pay house bills. I have a few tips for you on what do and how to handle these situations:

1.   I know some of my readers don’t believe in god. I do and I really recommend praying. God has always helped me through tough situations. Just ask god for help and I promise he will hear your prayer.

2.  Another thing I recommend is taking a hot bath then put on a hot robe make brownies and rent your favorite movie. Trust me making yourself feel good means everything.

3.  The last thing I recommend is to call over friends for support. Another helping hand or a shoulder to cry on relieves stress.

I just want you all to know things do get better. Look at Phil Robertson from duck dynasty. I’ll have a link to their life changing stories below.



Monday, August 11, 2014

How to handle people being mean

How to handle people being mean

Honestly I take this subject very seriously. I am a very godly person and I’ve always told myself they just have a little devil inside them. Since I’m a Christian I believe that you should love everyone and forgive but it’s not that easy.

My tip #1 is to say “look I’m not going to put up with this and I’m going to be the mature one and ask you to end this now please.” And if they say you’re pathetic, hey they are the pathetic and immature ones who obviously have something going on in their lives.

My tip #2 is to walk away. If they say you’re weak or scared you have to remember that they are the weak and insecure ones. They feel so week and insecure about themselves inside they feel they have to take it out on other people. If anything I would be nice to them and feel sorry for them because they’ve probably been through rough times or had a rough life.

My tip #3 is to tell someone. If they threaten you that’s even more of a reason to tell. Maybe they can get help and get better. You’ll probably be helping other kids that are being victimized by that person too. Especially if you’re a bystander. A bystander is someone who witness bullying or people being just downright mean.

I really hope these things help you in future situations or stuff that’s going on now. Remember if you want to talk you can always contact me. All you have to do is comment below and ask and in the next post I can give out my email J!



Sunday, August 10, 2014

How Much Should You Really Show Off When It Comes to Clothes

How Much Should You Really Show Off When It Comes to Clothes

Do you ever look in the mirror and think “Man, should I really be wearing this?” or “I’m probably going to get judged for what I’ve put on.” Well chances are you’re probably showing off a little too much. Honestly I know from experience and I have a little story to tell that changed everything.

My Story

Not too long ago I made some poor decisions as far as what I did and the clothes I wore. My brother is a few years older than me and he has friends over all the time. I’d be left home alone with him and his friends and stuff like that. A lot of the time my age is mistaken for 3 or 4 years older because I’m tall and look older so to them were equal.

One of my brothers friends were staying the night one night and my brother was asleep. I had yoga pants on which clearly showed my butt. I got up to do something and went to set back down on the couch and accidently sat on his feet (which he had there on purpose) and then I said oops sorry and got up for him to move them and he didn’t. He told me to set back down. He was older than me and I guess I thought that was cool so I sat back down to where his feet could feel my butt through those yoga pants.

Honestly, that was only the beginning. He ended up doing worse stuff to me and I found myself in a bad place. I was hanging out with bad people, dating random guys, and I was terrified to go anywhere alone. About a month later I met new friends and found god and I’m doing really good now. I’m on the straight A honor roll and I’m pretty popular at my school. I’m a member or our schools cheer and golf team and guess what I still have nice supportive friends and no yoga pants or inappropriate shorts are in my wardrobe!



1.        I don’t really believe the fingertip rule is right because if you have long arms like me you’ll be wearing shorts to your knees. Honestly I just think they should cover your butt.

2.  If you’re going to wear yoga pants be sure to wear a shirt that covers your but because you don’t want to attract unwanted attention unless you’re running or at the gym.

3.    I don’t think it’s bad to show just a little bit of your belly but if your shirt only goes to your chest you probably want to find something longer.


If you dress this way more than likely you’ll find a boy who respects you and treats you right. Not one that uses you up and throws you away. Your friends may be wearing this stuff but they are probably not going to be treated with respect.






Saturday, August 9, 2014

Who You Hang Around Is Who Youll Become

Have you ever been in a sticky situation? One so sticky you can hardly move? Believe me I know, I’ve been there. My life’s been crazy up and down left and right and just recently I’ve finally really got a grip. I’ve got a grip on not only my life, but a golf club and a fresh new bible. I realized it was the people around me I was hanging out with.


Think you got a good group of friends? A nice clique? Ask yourself these questions:

1.         Are any of these people involved in drugs?

2.   Do they make good grades?

3.     How is their home situation?

4.    Do they have a good personality, nice and respectful?


Believe me, If their into drugs, their grades are in the toilet, they’re not being treated right at home or they don’t have one, or they are mean, cruel, and a liar then honestly you probably don’t want to be around those kinds of people. Most likely if you hang around those kinds of people then you’ll become one yourself.


Honestly, you may think that stuff is cool. Trust me; you’re not going to think its cool when you’re fighting to get a job at McDonalds to pay for food and the drugs you “need” to buy. I haven’t ever been in that situation but I’ve seen people in that place.


If you’re in a place like that right now, you’re not alone. Just leave a comment below if you’d like to have a more private conversation about what you’re going through, and I’ll leave my email  below on the next post.


I also just wanted to thank you all for your comments and helping BR reach 8,000 views. I will also be sure to check out all your blogs!



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