Friday, October 25, 2013

Amanda Todd

So one of my friends showed me this amanda todd video. I felt so bad and decided to share it with all of you a reading this right now. Yes you. <33

    Amanda todd was a girl who got bullied. It was so bad she got into drugs. She was a straight a student you know. But someone had to bully her. She drank bleach, almost died but didnt. The next thing she did was drugs. Sbe eventually killed herself.

     If your currently a bully, you need to get help. It really hurt someone. If you are being bullied or have thoughts of suicide call 1 424 271 0385.

             Blog rebles

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Ok...lets get this straight

I seriously just cant get him off my mind. The songs the romance movies i just cant do it  he dosent like me he said so. But anyways we talk ALL THE TIME!!!

How I get boys off my mind: eat eat eat and then exercise exercise exercise.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

School drama...begining!!

Ok so school is getting ready to start in a couple weeks or a month its different everywhere. Guess what that means.              D-R-A-M-A

I guess you could try and stay out of it but you know that dosent always work.

Stay tuned: for daily updates and tips and questions answerd. Want to talk to us just kik us as blog_rebles or email us @!!! We also have a inatagram and its blog_rebles. Go follow us and tell your friends!!! On instagram hashtag #spreadthewordblogrebles and link our website!!! Please do!! We need you!!!

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Favorite inspiring quotes or sayings

My top 5 favorite quotes or sayings

1. Keep your head up princess your crown is falling
2. love me love me say that you love me fool me fool me oh how you do me
3. Fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me
4. I can do all things in which christ strengthens me philipians 4:13
5. A broken relationship is like glass dont pick it up because it may hurt you

Everything has changed

I swear everything has changed.

I miss my ex. I finally told him I loved him. He told me I was beautiful but he didnt want to date me.

What do I do???

Im lost. Everytime I hear his name I jump. I love him. Hes my love. Hes the one. I dont know how. I tried to get over him and that definitly didnt work. I think about him every night. I just dont know.

        I guess everything has changed.

Thursday, July 18, 2013


May her sole rest in peace. Talia passed away july 17 11:22 am. She was a fighter. A strong person. Thats what made her who she was. Her sister and mom are accomplishing all her goals. Including a clothing line and a makeup line. Forever rest in peace talia

            R.I.P TALIA COSTANALO JULY 17 11:22

Long may she rain

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Life goes on

Whatever happens life goes on dont forget that things happen you have to forgive abd forget sometimes somethings are just not worth the fight dont ruin your friendships over a simple little issue "I can sum up life in three words: ut goes on" - Robert Frost

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Dealing with breakups

       Some girls eat food. Some girls watch movies. Some girls feel sorry the relationship didnt work out. Some girls even take pain killers and thats the not even the WORST you can do. There are many ways to deal with breakups but you dont want to choose the bad ways so go on and read and let me gyide you to the right ways so when it happens youll be prepared.
        One of the things I do is eat. Ok I know I know thats not really the best way but I do. After I eat though and start to get over things I go running or exerscice so I dont become overwieght.
         Another thing girls do is watch movies and take a day off so your not too overwelmed. Thats never a good thing. Just curl up in a blanket and pick out some of your most humourous movies ( nothing with love ) and kick back and relax!!!
        One of the worst things to do is feel sorry or take any jind of medicine or pills. You may think they will make you feel better but truth be told they DONT!!! So think twice after a breakup and make the right decisions because your lifes not over!!!

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Missin them ex's

      Do you ever miss your ex? Or regret ending the relationship??? Well thats kinda how my life is right now and It sucks belive me. I mean I eat. Im not fat at all. I just eat and burn things to get over ex's. I know not the best decision to make. What do you all do. Comment below^^^ anyways I really want my ex back but he has a girlfriend. He has been hitting on me sand he has a girlfriend. I dont know what to do. I mean really I dont.
    He was the kinda guy that was really sweet and considerate and kind. He would give you roses and chocalate on valentines day and perfume or makeup on your birthday. I just miss him. You know what im saying???

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Parents can be right.... Actually

                                                                 What They Think Is Right
Your parents think they know best. They think they can rule your home. You may think their the worst people in your life because of some of the decisions they make but a lot of times their just trying to do what's best for you. Now last year I would've said I hate my parents and their the worst people ever and I never ever want to see them again but I know now they don't want me going around looking like a skank wearing inappropriate things because they love me and don't want to attract the wrong guy or attention. For example: I had this boyfriend and I always wanted to impress him. I would wear the most skanky things like shirts that came up to your bra and shorts that had your but hanging out. I would sneak makeup into school and put it on really dark. It made me look really old and skimpy. My parents mentioned to me that they didn't think it was right to show that much and I shouldn't be wearing it. They wouldn't let me wear that type of clothing and were in this " protective stage " which they soon got over but I hated them and thought they were the worst parents EVER!!! But I soon realized my parents were right. I didn't need to be wearing that and my boyfriend shouldn't like me just for my looks.

          So just remember: next time your parents think there doing the wrong thing you should rethink that and give it another look. 

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Dating your bestfriend?!?

Dating your bestfriend can be awkward! It can mess up your friendship!! When your bestfriend asks you out you should probably say no unless you think it's actually going to work. My bestfriend asked me out and after I said yes it was awkward so we broke up and it's still been different ever since then!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

One more step up

We got a instagram!!! Anyone can follow its not private!!! Our name is blog_rebles. Look us up!!! We will be hosting a contest want to be enterd then just follow blog_rebles on instagram and then comment done. Be sure you leave a screen name when you comment so we can enter your name in the contest!!!

           BLOG REBLES

The bad side

The bad side
    I was always a good kid. I had never ever been bullied before. I was smart and had really good grades. Until.... well read and youll know....
     2nd grade came I know thats young but we got a lot of freedom in our school. 3 people could go to the restroom at a time. The problem was is that the restroom was 3 halls down!!!
      there was this girl in my class. She was jealous of me  she hated me  she rook all her anger out on me and even pushed me down in the girls bathroom.
      One day it was horrible. I got sent up to the counslers. Since her mom was a teacher she had all the power. She went up to the counslers and told on me for things I didnt do. The next day I tried to ditch class and ran into the girls bathroom. My teacher found me and we talked.
      I really really really wish I dint make those decisions in second grade. Im crying now as I right because I still remember that day clear in my head.

No matter how bad things get just keel on goin till ya got nothin left
~wiz kalifa

Monday, May 27, 2013

News on Drake Mallory

     You know his parents are depressed. His teammates ( cheer ) are crying and wondering why this happend. His bestfriend is wanting to kill themselves to and is trying to treasure all the moments and pictures they took together 
     Dont ever commit suicide no mater how bad it gets. Just remember we sre here for you
    ~ keep your head up princess your crown is falling
              Blog rebles

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Drake mallory

Drake Mallory
      This story makes me cry. I hope it will make you guys cry to  I hope this makes you realize if you are a bully stop and get help.
      There was a kid named drake mallory. He was a male cheerleader. I know many male cheerleaders and at least 5 male cheerleaders cheer on my cheer team. He was only 12.
       Kids bullied him because he was a male cheerleader. I cheer because I love it. He cheered because he loved it and it was his life.
       Imagine your parent realizing you killed yourself and they are thinking its thier fault. Everyone in your family would go insane!!! If you have sibilings that makes it worse.

       ~no one should be bullied for doing what they love


Saturday, May 25, 2013


Btw: this is true
      Well It started off when I liked this boy. I really really really super de duper really liked him. But there was one problem.... my bestfriend was dating him. She had been dating him for 2 years. In fact im pretty sure she posted something about him from our earlier posts.
       I was involved in a school play. So was he. Every girl in the play cast liked him but one girl absoulutley loved him!!! Well so did I. Turns out he liked me. My bestfriend dumped him. She wasnt in the school play. The next two days we would spend practicing and on the second day we would perform.
        The day after they broke up he asked me out. I said yes. I said to keep it a secret but somehow it spilled. Meanwhile the girl who was obsessed with him got her heart broken when she found out we were dating. So did my bestfriend. She sent me a text and said I cant belive you would do this and said " im eating a sandwhich want those leftovers to"  my heart was broken.
         Just as I thought this couldnt get any worse, turns out my bestfriends mom called my mom about it and my mom kept saying " break up with him NOW!!! " she said it was my decisiob but that my bestie was heartbroken. My bestfriend found another guy who didnt stay long, but kept her mind off of it.
          What made it so bad was the girl who was obsessed with him saw us kiss both days. She was also a good friend. She told everybody and started going on a dessert diet because she couldnt take it. I had him go give her a hug and she said that meant evrything to her. She even outlined her shirt with chalk took a picture printed it out and hung a bunch of copies all over her room.
           Everything was ok with her but everyone else hated me and I ahd no one just because of some stupid boy. My bestfriend put on one of the social media websites we were besties again which helped. Our friendship is fully restored.
            Well, a few months later after I thought he was the one, I found out he cheated with 2 other girls!!! Not just 1, 2!!! I broke up with him and he broke up with the other 2 girls who were heartbroken and sent some girl a note saying I have loved you always through all of my relationships and asked her out. The bad thing was I SAW the note!!!
            I got really bad headaches the next few days. Didnt go anywhere. Things got way better and even today things are going great!!!
            Just remember all that depression isint worth it. Hes not worth it. If tou can relate to this story comment below.....

Friday, May 24, 2013

Make it count

  Do you ever feel like your locked inside a room and you have no way out. That is how I feel sometimes. Do you feel that way? Dont be afraid to speak up.
   You know the things we write are events that occur in our life. Yes this stuff happends to us. Yes it happens to other people. Yes it could haplen to you.
    I bet you never knew sometimes that stress can get so bad that people commit suicide  that would be the worst thing you could do. It does nothing but make evrything worse so if your thinking about it DONT DO IT!!! Get HELP!! Think your lifes bad look up amanda todds story on youtube. Then rethink your life over.
     If you ever need to talk to us, need tips, just ANYTHING!!! You can email @ or text us at our chatroom 15023833043 hey, were glad to help!!!

Things well that most likely will help you

1. When you get mad, count to 10. Not just regular fast counting but take its low and easy.
2. Get a diary, journal, or notebook. Write your feelings.
3. You can write songs. Get a guitar, piano, or even just write songs and sing.

We know what your going through

Whatever it is: drama, fighting with family, bullying, issues with family... we have experienced everything you have. This website is the place you can say all your feelings. Express what you want. We wont reveal out identity because its just not worth it. Comment on our photos, private message us! Were here for you. We can give you tips on what to do. Email us @  we really can help you. The stories we post may relate to you. Comment on them. Think no one cares about you, well why would we be posting this long paragraph espically to you yeah thats right. You. We are posting this to you and we care!!! Tell evryone about us we want to help you!!!

Boyfriend breakups

Sorrry we havent posted in a while, things have been crazy. well life has been crazy. Now keeping boyfriends over summer break has been even harder. When you factor how many breakups we have all had this year, well that makes everyone grouchy.... you know what i mean??? its not that i dislike being single but..... oh whatever.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Drama Drama and what not?

Do you ever feel like your being victimized? I certainly do and its not fun at all! You really have to findo some way to de with those things. Thwts what were here for! We can be like your best friend who never really comes over. We can help you. There is so much dra you dont even know! Comment if you have ever been involved.

Friday, January 25, 2013

It's a new year!!

It's a new year try to make new friends. This year the rule is to forgive and forget. Make your worst nimy your best friend. Make new friends keep the old ones. Don't be afraid to hangout with someone just because there diffrent.:)

AND PLEASE TELL US WHY YOUR ON THE CITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!