Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The bad side

The bad side
    I was always a good kid. I had never ever been bullied before. I was smart and had really good grades. Until.... well read and youll know....
     2nd grade came I know thats young but we got a lot of freedom in our school. 3 people could go to the restroom at a time. The problem was is that the restroom was 3 halls down!!!
      there was this girl in my class. She was jealous of me  she hated me  she rook all her anger out on me and even pushed me down in the girls bathroom.
      One day it was horrible. I got sent up to the counslers. Since her mom was a teacher she had all the power. She went up to the counslers and told on me for things I didnt do. The next day I tried to ditch class and ran into the girls bathroom. My teacher found me and we talked.
      I really really really wish I dint make those decisions in second grade. Im crying now as I right because I still remember that day clear in my head.

No matter how bad things get just keel on goin till ya got nothin left
~wiz kalifa

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