Friday, May 24, 2013

Make it count

  Do you ever feel like your locked inside a room and you have no way out. That is how I feel sometimes. Do you feel that way? Dont be afraid to speak up.
   You know the things we write are events that occur in our life. Yes this stuff happends to us. Yes it happens to other people. Yes it could haplen to you.
    I bet you never knew sometimes that stress can get so bad that people commit suicide  that would be the worst thing you could do. It does nothing but make evrything worse so if your thinking about it DONT DO IT!!! Get HELP!! Think your lifes bad look up amanda todds story on youtube. Then rethink your life over.
     If you ever need to talk to us, need tips, just ANYTHING!!! You can email @ or text us at our chatroom 15023833043 hey, were glad to help!!!

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