Sunday, July 14, 2013

Dealing with breakups

       Some girls eat food. Some girls watch movies. Some girls feel sorry the relationship didnt work out. Some girls even take pain killers and thats the not even the WORST you can do. There are many ways to deal with breakups but you dont want to choose the bad ways so go on and read and let me gyide you to the right ways so when it happens youll be prepared.
        One of the things I do is eat. Ok I know I know thats not really the best way but I do. After I eat though and start to get over things I go running or exerscice so I dont become overwieght.
         Another thing girls do is watch movies and take a day off so your not too overwelmed. Thats never a good thing. Just curl up in a blanket and pick out some of your most humourous movies ( nothing with love ) and kick back and relax!!!
        One of the worst things to do is feel sorry or take any jind of medicine or pills. You may think they will make you feel better but truth be told they DONT!!! So think twice after a breakup and make the right decisions because your lifes not over!!!

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