Tuesday, April 15, 2014

The Bully Project

" Can you tell me now your the lucky one?"
This will be the slogan for an event id like to start to help prevent bullying. I will be sending a prize to the person with the best name and the best design for this event.

Im sure most of you have realized how im strongly against bullying. I have been thinking and I want to do an event where there is a week dedicated to preventing bullying and how to stop it and speak up. This will include stories of when I was bullied and other people were bullied ( no names mentioned ) and if you all support this idea please comment below or email me. If you want to submit your story for this event please email me @ mysecret4646@gmail.com

B- Being Mean
U- Un kind
L- Lame
L- Limitless
Y- Young or old
I- Intimidating
N- Not tolerated
G- Giving life's                

Help put it to an end.

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