Tuesday, March 18, 2014

The Cute Guy In Algerbra ( Tips )

I’m finally back better than ever, and I realize its been way to long! I’m so excited to begin posting again and I hope you read & enjoy each of my post! Just to let you know, to start off I will be posting 2 times or more each week. The posts will be like before, about your life and what you experience. Enjoy!


So to start off, girls come on admit it you all have a crush on someone. Could it be the guy that sets in front of you in algebra or the guy you bumped into at Kroger? We never know. These tips right here are coming from the best... one and only... me! Enjoy!


1. Don't come on to hard. You don't want to creep the guy out.

2. Don't give the guy to much space because he may think you’re not interested a simple question about last night’s homework or the basketball game later would be perfect!

3. If you want to talk to him, it’s best to start by asking a question. Figure out his background. What does he like? Whether its sports or games any question on his interest would definitely attract immediate interest in what you’re saying
I hope you enjoyed this kickoff post to great 2014 year and I hope you enjoy J be expecting my next post sometime this week!
Blog rebels



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