Thursday, May 10, 2012

your name

so just wanting you to know i checked the stats and someone spread the word! there is now 72 viewers as surprise! i mean i checked and found out that person has been constantly viewing this website! i just want you to know, this a message to a user which i dont know there name,number. if that person wants to comment and tell me their FIRST  first name only i will put it on this website. if you dont want to share  yuor name then thats fine because i know a lot of people dont like to share their name with a random website they find and their reading this post right now and they just dont feel comfortable saying their name. so another thing i want to say is you should be proud of yourself. i mean god made you for a reason and nobody else in this world is ever going to be you! not only that, you should be proud of your name! yup i said your name! your parents gave it to you, your person represints it, your friends beg for it, and your cousins love it. so make sure you dont want to have a different name because the name you put on a paper everyday, well you should everything that builds up with  proud! when teachers get all your information sometimes it dosent fill fare so just write your name and say this is the only information id ever need!

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